Indio Solutions
Austin, Texas
San Antonio, Texas
El Paso, Texas
Phone: 915 790-8116
Fax: 866 447-6756
Indio Solutions, Inc.
Austin, Texas
El Paso, Texas
San Antonio, Texas
915 790-8116
Or use our contact form.
Our office is open during the following hours:
Monday through Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm CST
August, 2017
Indio Solutions, Inc. has be recertified with the city of Austin and Department of Transportation, as a Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) for the state of Texas.
April, 2017
Indio Solutions, Inc. has be recertified with the South Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (SCTRCA) in San Antonio Texas, for Texas certification of, ESBE, MBE, NABE, SBE, and VBE.
January, 2017
Indio Solutions has successfully certified with System of Access Management (SAM) for the United States government contracting.
September, 2016
Indio Solutions is now a preferred vendor for City of San Antonio, utilizing HUB and disadvantaged business networks.
October, 2014
Indio Solutions is now servcing Austin and surrounding areas.
A City of Austin Certified Vendor. Project Management and Data Analysis.
July 2013
Indio Solutions, Inc. has just
completed a major Fiber build
with Desktop CAT6 drops for
telecommunications and data
support. The successful build
was accomplished at Ft. Bliss
Army base for the Corp of
Indio Solutions, Inc.,
formerly known as
Castle Consulting,
was selected as
"Veteran Owned Business of the Year" by the
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in
El Paso, Texas.